向下滚动阅读在博彩网址大全提供的运动训练课程的艺术硕士的描述, or click on these links for additional resources:

Administration in Athletic Training

ATH 5080 / 2 credits
本课程将提供运动训练项目管理所需的知识和技能. An overview of the program, human and financial resources, risk management, ethical issues, and leadership theories will be covered.
Offered in Fall

Practicum I

ATH 5101 / 1 credit
本课程是ATH 5110的配套实验课程. 运动训练的学生将练习课堂上教授的技能,以评估和评估骨科损伤和下肢状况. Laboratory/Clinical rotation experience.
Offered in Fall

Clinical Skills I

ATH 5110 / 4 credits
本课程旨在为运动训练专业的学生在评估和评估骨科损伤和下肢状况方面做准备. 本课程同时有一门实验课程ATH5101.
Offered in Fall

Therapeutic Interventions I

ATH 5130 / 4 credits
本课程将介绍康复及康复技术的理论及应用, maintenance, 以及在体力活动人群中恢复最佳健康和功能.
Offered in Fall

Practicum II

ATH 5201 / 2 credits
本课程是ATH 5210的配套实验课程. 运动训练的学生将练习课堂上教授的技能,以评估和评估骨科损伤和上肢的状况. Laboratory/Clinical rotation experience.
Offered in Spring

Clinical Skills II

ATH 5210 / 4 credits
本课程的目的是准备运动训练的学生在评估和评估骨科损伤和上肢状况的领域. 本课程同时有一门实验课程ATH 5201.
Offered in Spring

Pharmacologic Agents in Athletic Training

ATH 5250 / 2 credits
本课程将介绍药物治疗的原理,并研究常用于体力活动人群的药物. 将讨论药效学、药代动力学和药物相互作用.
Offered in Fall

Practicum III

ATH 5301 / 2 credits
本课程是ATH 5310的配套实验课程. The athletic training student will practice the skills taught in the classroom for evaluation and assessment of head and spine injuries; and general medical conditions. Laboratory/Clinical rotation experience.
Offered in Fall

Clinical Skills III

ATH 5310 / 4 credits
The course is designed to prepare the athletic training student in the area of evaluation and assessment of head and spine injuries; and general medical conditions. 本课程同时有一门实验课程ATH 5301.
Offered in Fall

Principles of Athletic Training

ATH 5400 / 4 credits
该课程为身体活跃的人群提供了伤害原则的概述,包括, but not limited to, etiology, environmental conditions, protective equipment/taping, and injury risk factors.
Offered in Fall

Traditional Athletic Training Placement I

ATH 5401 / 2 credits
本课程是一种沉浸式的临床体验,旨在让刚学运动训练的学生熟悉大学季前赛期间的运动训练实践. Clinical rotation experience.
Offered in Summer II

Psychological Aspects of Athletic Training

ATH 5420 / 2 credits
本课程将通过了解心理问题与运动表现之间的关系,为学生提供改善病人护理的方法, illness, injury, treatment, and return to activity.
Offered in Spring

Health Care Informatics

ATH 5439 / 2 credits
Offered in Spring

Emergency Medical Response for Athletic Trainers

ATH 5440 / 4 credits
本课程旨在为学生提供必要的知识和技能,作为一个紧急医疗响应(EMR)的工作,以帮助维持生命, 减轻疼痛,尽量减少伤害或突发疾病的后果,直到更先进的医疗帮助接管. Additional certification fee.
Offered in Fall

General Medical Conditions

ATH 5461 / 4 credits
这门课程是对身体活跃人群中发现的系统状况和精神健康障碍的回顾. Lecture/clinical rotation experience.
Offered in Spring

Evidence-Based Practice in Health Care

ATH 5469 / 4 credits
Offered in Fall

Traditional Athletic Training Placement II

ATH 5501 / 2 credits
该课程是一种沉浸式的临床体验,允许高级运动训练学生体验大学水平的季前运动训练活动. Clinical rotation experience.
Offered in Summer II

Health and Fitness Principles

ATH 5666 / 4 credits
本课程将探讨健康和营养的原则,因为它涉及到体力活动的人群. 它将侧重于必要的知识,以应用健全的营养, strength and conditioning, and wellness practices.
Offered in Spring

Therapeutic Interventions II

ATH 5731 / 4 credits
本课程是治疗干预1的延续, 通过设计提高学生的治疗技术, implementation, 以及监督运动人群的康复项目. Lecture/clinical rotation experience.
Offered in Spring

Immersive Clinical Experience in Athletic Training

ATH 5851 / 4 credits
该课程是一种身临其境的临床体验,让学生体验由运动教练提供的全面护理. Clinical rotation experience.
Offered in J-Term

Capstone in Athletic Training

ATH 5990 / 4 credits
顶点项目将扩展和整合以前课程中完成的工作. 它将为学生提供一个将学术研究方法应用于体育运动人群中发现的运动训练问题的机会.
Offered in Spring