为了维护校园安全, 学院已经通过了规定,概述了适当的安全指导方针, 有礼貌, 车辆有序运行和停放. 了解并遵守这些规则是所有司机的责任. 需支付使用费.

All employees and students — full- and part-time — and vendors must register their motor vehicle with the 公共安全办公室 拿到并出示停车许可证. 这包括汽车、卡车、摩托车和摩托车. 如果你开的车和登记的不一样, please inform the 公共安全办公室 so they may add that vehicle to your profile and contact you when needed. 

所有的许可证都是博彩网址大全学院的财产,一旦被要求,必须上交. 注册学生毕业时,停车许可证失效, 撤回, 或者改变居住身份. Permits may not be sold or transferred from student to student or employee to student, or vice versa. 教师和工作人员必须交出停车许可证 人力资源厅 当雇佣结束时.




All commuting and off-campus eligible student vehicles are required to have a parking hangtag displayed on the rearview mirror facing frontwards. They will need to purchase a Commuter/Off-Campus student permit to allow parking in designated commuter/off-campus lots. 它们不适用于过夜停车. “Overnight parking” is defined as starting anytime after the residence halls are closed to visitors (established visitation hours) through to 8 a.m. 所有全日制通勤/校外学生, 指在一学期内修满十二个学分或以上的学生, 必须购买许可证.

Note: Commuter/Off-campus permits are available without charge to part-time students on a semesterly basis.


Resident student vehicles must have a parking hangtag displayed on the rearview mirror facing frontwards. 常驻学生许可证允许在许可证指定的特定地段停车. 许可证必须是可见的,否则车辆将被开罚单和/或拖走.


Resident students can request to switch parking lots if space becomes available in the requested parking lot. 如果交换机被批准, the students’ check-in portal will be reopened so they can purchase a permit for their chosen lot. 一旦购买了新的许可证, 学生必须将先前签发的许可证交回公共安全处, 然后谁会给学生发新的许可证. 收费将通过调整 学生金融服务办公室 退回许可证及新发许可证.


教师 and staff permits allow for parking in specific, restricted lots designated by the permit. 教职员工许可证必须正确显示停车吊牌许可证, 挂在汽车后视镜上. Permits must be visible from the outside of the vehicle or ticketing and/or towing of the vehicle will occur. 任何时候,教职员工的车辆不得停在指定的访客车位内.

学生的客人可以使用临时停车许可证过夜. 非博彩网址大全学生客人可以登记他们的车辆最多三天的时间, 根据学院的访问政策. 公共安全办公室一天24小时开放, year-round; you must immediately register any vehicle you park on campus. Vehicles with an expired regular or temporary permit or lacking any visible permit are subject to removal of the vehicle without prior notice. 根据州法律, the 出赛 Police Department may also issue a city citation for trespass parking for all non-registered vehicles parked on property under the care and control of 博彩网址大全.

A resident student that is not a permit holder may register a temporary vehicle for up to fourteen days by requesting a temporary permit from 公共安全. 学生在一学年中只能获得两次为期14天的临时签证. Any student vehicle on campus longer than fourteen days during any academic year must purchase and display a regular parking permit.

如果你要在博彩网址大全招待客人,请 填写一张访客登记表 在客人来访前至少三个工作日, 他们将获得临时的砍伐许可.

Penalties for Parking in Handicap, Bus, and Unregistered/Unauthorized Vehicle 在校园内停车

在残障人士专用车位内擅自停车, 公共汽车站, 预留的空间, 总统办公室的客人们, 招生的客人, or unregistered/unauthorized parking (uninvited parking on campus without a permit) is a violation of Carthage policy, 州法规和市/县条例. These vehicles may be subject to ticketing and/or towing by both 博彩网址大全 and/or the 出赛 Police Department.

Individual employees seeking information related to securing handicap parking privileges will need to communicate with Human Resources, 学生需要与公共安全部门沟通. 所有员工和学生必须每年获得残疾人停车许可.


公共安全 reserves the right to tow any illegally or improperly parked vehicle without notice. 这一结构在任何时候都可能被学院改变. 任何未经授权而停放在残疾人专用车位的车辆, 限制空间(例如:总裁的客人或招生嘉宾)或预留空间, or on-campus grounds are automatically elevated in the moving violations and/or parking citations and related fine structure.

The table below highlights the parking citations and associated fines/charges and other actions taken for parking violations:

引用# 引用电荷 拖费用 两个位置 其他操作
1 $35      
2 $70      
3 $110     注册船东收到通知
4 $150 Jensen的拖 & 每日扣押费 Jensen的拖
5 $200 Jensen的拖 & 每日扣押费 Jensen的拖 威斯康星州基诺沙第50街5410号扣押区,53144 注册船东收到通知
6 $250 Jensen的拖 & 每日扣押费 Jensen的拖 威斯康星州基诺沙第50街5410号扣押区,53144 注册船东收到通知
7 $250 Jensen的拖 & 每日扣押费 Jensen的拖
8 $250 Jensen的拖 & 每日扣押费 Jensen的拖 威斯康星州基诺沙第50街5410号扣押区,53144 因不遵守学校政策而被转介至学生行为学系
9 $250 Jensen的拖 & 每日扣押费 Jensen的拖 威斯康星州基诺沙第50街5410号扣押区,53144 停车许可证已撤销*

*停车许可证被吊销意味着您在校园内停车的特权被取消. 任何许可证持有人必须交回许可证. Failure to surrender your permit will result in a referral to Student Conduct for failure to comply. If said vehicle is identified on campus, it will be immediately towed to Jensen’s Impound Lot.

为了我们校园的安全, all unregistered and unpermitted vehicles parked in any location on campus after residential hall visitation/guest hours will be removed from campus and towed to Jensen’s towing impound lot at the owner’s expense.

移动侵犯, 比如不遵守交通标志, 超速行驶, 鲁莽驾驶, 并危及他人, 会被立即引用和罚款吗. 整个校园的限速是每小时15英里.

  • 第一次违章将被罚款150美元
  • 第二次违章罚款225美元
  • 第三次违章罚款300美元并取消停车特权

撤销你的停车特权, 除非经委员会裁定, 是本学年剩下的时间吗. Any reinstatement will require that the student purchase a new permit and pay in full all associated fines and fees prior to reinstatement.


任何未经授权而停放在残疾人专用车位的车辆, 保留/受限空间, 或校园内的场地将被立即拆除. 这些违规行为自动转移到拖车程序. 任何被发现伪造的学生, 改变, 伪造, 玩弄, 复制, or manipulated a Carthage parking permit will result in the revocation of parking privileges and may face student conduct charges.

Each student is responsible for his/her vehicle 在校园里 regardless of who is driving. 停车罚款将被分配到注册许可证所有者的账户. 如果您的许可证丢失或被盗,请向公共安全办公室报告.

引用上诉必须在引用发出后72小时内收到. 你可以在网上对引文提出申诉. 您的申诉必须包含引文编号和发布日期. 填写违例停车罚单申诉表格

Carthage reserves the right to revoke the parking permit and/or refuse to issue any future parking permits to individuals who exhibit a history of repeated offenses, 危害他人, 或因不小心使用机动车辆而损坏学校财产. 任何被发现伪造的学生将被撤销, 改变, 伪造, 创建, 或者篡改许可证. 除了撤销,学生也可能被提及学生的行为.

Carthage also reserves the right to refuse the issuance of a parking permit to any individual who does not obtain a permit in a timely fashion. A ticket/tow history indicating that a vehicle has been parked on campus multiple times for more than one week without a permit will be sufficient to initiate disciplinary action against the responsible vehicle user.


博彩网址大全 assumes no responsibility nor creates any liability for the care or protection of any vehicle, 或者它的内容, 在校园里. The College assumes no responsibility for the security of vehicles or their contents while moving or parked in the areas subject to Carthage jurisdiction. 所有员工和学生使用停车设施的风险自负. 博彩网址大全的学生, 教师, 及职员应遵守汽车登记及使用政策.



24-hour, daily basis; PERMIT REQUIRED

  • 第35街地段
  • 第14大道地段
  • 网球中心地块
  • 公寓很大
  • 派克河地段

7 a.m. 到10点.m. Monday-Friday; PERMIT REQUIRED

  • 南下地段
  • 北区地段(指定供教职员使用的地段除外)

Available in the following lots WITH PERMIT; no overnight parking

  • 南下地段
  • 南上地段
  • 北很多
  • 教职员工 禁止 禁止在任何有标识的访客车位停车.


  • 南上地段的标记空间
  • 所有南下地段(在宿舍探访时间内)
  • 兰茨大厅对面的张贴空间*
    * Note: Lentz Lot spaces are restricted for use by business visitors and guests of the College. No student or 教师/staff vehicles may use any of these spaces except the 15-minute spaces.